Reinforcement StirrupRebar/ru

Кольцевая арматура

Расположение в меню
Arch → Rebar tools → Stirrup
3D/BIM → Reinforcement tools → Stirrup
Arch, BIM
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См. также
Reinforcement, Арматура по эскизу, Спиральная арматура


Инструмент Stirrup Rebar позволяет пользователю создавать в структурном элементе арматурный стержень с изогнутой формой.

This tool is part of the Reinforcement Workbench, an external workbench that can be installed with the Addon Manager.


  1. Создайте элемент structure
  2. Выберите любую грань структуры
  3. Then select Stirrup Rebar from the rebar tools
  4. A task panel will pop-out on the left side of the screen as shown below
  5. Select the desired orientation
  6. Give the inputs like left cover, right cover, top cover, bottom, front cover, bent angle, bent factor, rounding and diameter of the rebar
  7. Select the mode of distribution either amount or spacing
  8. If spacing is selected, a user can also opt for custom spacing
  9. Pick selected face is used to verify or change the face for rebar distribution
  10. Нажмите OK или Apply, чтобы создать арматуру
  11. Нажмите Cancel, чтобы выйти из панели задач

Task panel for the tool


Расстояние между арматурой и выбранной поверхностью.


See also: Arch API, Reinforcement API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

Инструмент Stirrup Rebar можно использовать в macros и на консоли python с помощью следующей функции:

Rebar = makeStirrup(l_cover, r_cover, t_cover, b_cover, f_cover,
                    bentAngle, bentFactor, diameter, rounding, amount_spacing_check, amount_spacing_value,
                    structure=None, facename=None)


import Draft, Arch, Stirrup

# It doesn't work if the structure is not based on a face
# Structure = Arch.makeStructure(length=1000, width=400, height=400)

Rect = Draft.makeRectangle(400, 400)
Structure = Arch.makeStructure(Rect, height=1600)
Structure.ViewObject.Transparency = 80

Rebar = Stirrup.makeStirrup(20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
                            115, 4, 8, 2, True, 10, Structure, "Face6")

Edition of the rebar

You can change the properties of the rebar with the following function:

editStirrup(Rebar, l_cover, r_cover, t_cover, b_cover, f_cover,
            bentAngle, bentFactor, diameter, rounding, amount_spacing_check, amount_spacing_value,
            structure=None, facename=None)
import Stirrup

Stirrup.editStirrup(Rebar, 20, 20, 20, 20, 50,
                    100, 4, 14, 8, True, 8)